Friday, November 6, 2009

Working Out

I love working out….wait I mean I hate it….well I don’t know.  See my problem?  I mean I always feel great about myself when I do manage to work out.  Even if the workout sucked, even if I am tired and sore and miserable, I am always glad I did it.  It’s just hard….wait impossible to find time to do it.  I’ve tried early in the morning, but that is so hard to maintain.  Usually like 2 or 3 mornings is the most I can do in a row, then I start to slack.  So then I try at night.  But when?  Say I get home at 5:30, should I work out right then?  I’m so exhausted, plus I want to spend time with Meagan and Emerson.  So …..later ?  I find that trying it like at 9 or 10 is hard because I am tired and don’t have any energy left!  Plus I never can sleep well if I work out before I go to bed.  Ugh, so frustrating.  I think what I am going to do is do it later in the morning and just be late every day for work :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back in the day

photo photo

We went to the Oakleigh House this past weekend.  It was very interesting.  I mean it’s an old house with old stuff in it, you know the drill, but it got me thinking .    People were a lot more resourceful back in the day than I think we give them credit for.  They had all these really neat gadgets that I had never seen before.  They had this one iron bowl thing they put hot coals and embers in and put in their bed to keep it warm at night.  Talk about a fire hazard!  Then they had this cupboard that had an open back so you could put your plate in and then place it in front of the fire place.  Who needs a microwave?

Of course, not everything was awesome back then.  We saw the toilet….. I mean the chair.  It is literally a chair with a chamber pot below.  To top it off, if they had company and there weren’t enough chairs, you would put a cushion on the toilet chair!  How gross is that?  They had all these flower things they carried around with them because people smelled so bad.  Women it seemed didn’t bathe at all (because that would require them to expose themselves) so they just sponged off.  Men all took a bath in the same tub with the same water, oldest to youngest.  Who thought up this stuff? 

So even though things were simpler back then, I am grateful to be born in the age of air conditioning, showers, and IPhone.  If I want to rough it I will go camping at a hotel.  Other than that, I’d pick the 21st Century any day.    

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Look what I found in the parking lot!


This kitten was hanging out in our parking lot here at work a few days ago.  It was very sweet and came right up to me.  Thank goodness I got to it before it got hurt.  It was very young and probably born wild.  There are a couple wild cats around the plant that no one can catch or do anything with and this was probably one of the offspring.   One of the employees here took it home with them as their new pet. 

Emerson and her horse


Well we took Emerson out to the farm the other day.  She made a new friend.  There were three horses there but this one was her favorite.  She just reached out and grabbed it with no fear. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alabama Football



This is the game ball from Bear Bryant’s last game at Alabama in the Liberty Bowl.  It is signed by Bear Bryant and the entire team.  It belongs to my parents and I just thought I would share since it rarely sees the light of day. 

Roll Tide!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Annoying People

So, it’s been a while since I posted on here.  I will try to do better.  I would like to talk about stupid annoying people from trailer parks here in good ole Alabama.  The reason is, me and Meagan sold a car to some trailer park white trash.  We knew then, they were nice enough, but it was a mistake.  First of all, I was dumb and let him take the car before getting every single penny out of him.  Sure I had 95%, but that last 5% was like pulling teeth.  We had to basically threaten to repo the car to get it.  At any rate, we finally did get all the money and the story ended….so we thought.  I get a call recently from the even poorer trailer park trash person he sold the car to.  Turns out he never transferred the title and he has since disappeared off the planet.  He is probably living under a bridge somewhere smoking meth.  So now we are having to get a new title, albeit unwillingly, so the new idiot will leave us alone.  I wish we had just kept the car. 


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Baby is here!

Well, it is Father's Day and my first time as a new dad! Emerson and Meagan gave me a beautiful new watch to celebrate the occasion! They are so sweet to me! Emerson was good for most of the day, but got a little fussy towards the evening. She is always hungry and always pooping. I guess thats just how it goes. I love baby Emerson, but it will be nice to be able to actually talk to her one day. Right now she just stares up at me, sometimes she cries, sometimes she poots. She is a cutie though.
Anyways, this morning I got up bright and early and went and did yard work. I just wish that yards would stay done, but they never do. I went on weed, ant, and poo patrol. These are three things that really screw up my grass. My goal is to one day have the best yard in the neighborhood. We have so many old people that live in our neighborhood that have let their yards go over the years. They have nice fancy houses but gave up on grass a long time ago. So I think I have a good chance of one day having the best yard! On the other hand, I have to have one chemical for fireants, one chemical for grass weeds, a more potent chemical for weeds on concrete, pool chemicals, spa chemicals, that I am sure I am slowly poisoning myself! Eh, it looks good though.
Grilling out tonight was ok, but it was hot, like hotter than the ninth circle of hell. It was 98 degrees with 400% humidity. I mean why even have a temperature. The weatherman always says, well its 98, but it FEELS like 105. Why not just say it's 105? Why sugar coat things? Its freaking hot, we all know it, why try to knock it down a few degrees. It won't make me feel any cooler. That, and I had to put out the citronelle candles to keep the bugs away. The weird thing about grilling out tonight was the fact that I didn't even grill the meat. It was cooked in the stove. I only grilled the vegetables. They tasted good though, and I think turned out better than the meat.
After dinner we made our way to the den, but left the meat on the table. My dog Tank made his way up on the dinner table and ate the meat. He was so quick! It was something out of mission impossible. Now I have the difficult choice of eating the rest of the meat for lunch tomorrow, and HOPING he didn't touch it or lick it, or step on it. I think I will chance it...