Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back in the day

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We went to the Oakleigh House this past weekend.  It was very interesting.  I mean it’s an old house with old stuff in it, you know the drill, but it got me thinking .    People were a lot more resourceful back in the day than I think we give them credit for.  They had all these really neat gadgets that I had never seen before.  They had this one iron bowl thing they put hot coals and embers in and put in their bed to keep it warm at night.  Talk about a fire hazard!  Then they had this cupboard that had an open back so you could put your plate in and then place it in front of the fire place.  Who needs a microwave?

Of course, not everything was awesome back then.  We saw the toilet….. I mean the chair.  It is literally a chair with a chamber pot below.  To top it off, if they had company and there weren’t enough chairs, you would put a cushion on the toilet chair!  How gross is that?  They had all these flower things they carried around with them because people smelled so bad.  Women it seemed didn’t bathe at all (because that would require them to expose themselves) so they just sponged off.  Men all took a bath in the same tub with the same water, oldest to youngest.  Who thought up this stuff? 

So even though things were simpler back then, I am grateful to be born in the age of air conditioning, showers, and IPhone.  If I want to rough it I will go camping at a hotel.  Other than that, I’d pick the 21st Century any day.    

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